TMJ Migraine Treatment in NY & NJ

The PILAR-TYPE NTI Tension Suppression System (NTI-tss) Spells Relief for migraine sufferers in New York/New Jersey

How Migraines May Actually Be Prevented

It is impossible to pronounce, because it is not a word. NTI-tss™ is a dental appliance— the only one cleared by the FDA for treatment of migraine pain and migraine associated tension headaches. Dr. Mike Pilar regards it as an effective tool for the treatment of medically diagnosed migraine pain related tension-induced pain, also recommending it for the prevention of teeth grinding, gnashing and clinching (bruxism) and TMJ syndrome “by reducing trigeminally innervated muscular activity.” The trigeminal nerve is the main sensory nerve of the face and motor nerve for chewing action.

Our Pilar-type NTI orthotic is a customized version of the NTI and requires significant refinement of the laboratory-processed version for treatment success.

The modern theory about the causes of migraines includes a trigeminal pathway, There is no generally accepted preventive for migraines as yet in the healthcare industry, but we suggest the Pilar-type NTI is exactly that.

Some things You May Not Know about Migraines…

  • It is a disease of the trigeminal nerve. That explains why so many sufferers (up to 75 percent) have pain in the neck and shoulders. The brain stem is the link to neck and shoulder nerve branches and is a receptor for trigeminal nerve feedback.
  • The “tri” of the trigeminal nerve are three major branches in the head. It is a cranial nerve with branches reaching to the eye, the cheek the upper teeth, nasal passages, as well as the jaw, lower teeth and ear region.
  • Supersensitive nerve endings supply blood vessels on the surface of the brain and nasal cavity. Blood vessels become dilated and produce a throbbing sensation, swelling and fluid secretions that may inflame neighboring arteries and mucous secreting membranes. Stress, sleep deprivation, weather changes and dietary changes may lead to pain with the firing off of the trigeminal nerve.
  • A “bad bite” may cause even minor clenching of the teeth and jaw, hyping protective activity of the lateral ptergoid muscle. The what?  The lateral ptergoid muscle, near the temporomandibular joint, protects the jaw joint and improperly positioned teeth when upper and lower teeth make contact. That stimulates the brain’s sensory nucleus, and that may trigger responses to other stimuli that may otherwise be harmless like odors, sun glare orthe result may be adding to its sensitization. This sensitized sensory nucleus becomes “triggerable,” responding to otherwise harmless noxious stimulations (i.e., odors, glare, food additives, etc.).
  • Ophthalmic nerve endings supply the blood vessels on the surface of the brain. The firing of these nerve endings on one of the major branches of the trigeminal causes the release of chemicals that dilate the blood vessels and cause inflammation. This causes the throbbing pain of the migraine with body movement.

Note:  The familiar horseshoe clear shaped plastic night-guard made by most dentists that attempt to treat TMD with migraines is not the orthotic of choice for migraines, and often makes the condition worse.


Do My Teeth Play a Role in Migraines?

It’s also worth noting that your teeth can play a major role in migraine headaches. What many people don’t know is that your teeth are not supposed to touch with any pressure. Not when you sleep. Not when you eat. Not when you speak. When your teeth touch, your masseter and temporalis muscles contract. Further, even moderate clenching activity in the presence of a “bad bite” can damage the muscles and lead to problems with nervous system function including exhaustion, depression, and migraine headaches.

Orthodontic care (braces) where an incomplete post-orthodontic treatment has left an imbalance in upper and lower tooth contact can lead to temporomadibular joint clicking/dysfunction and muscle hyperactivity leading to migraine.


Why Your Previous Treatments Haven’t Worked…

Treating migraine/TMJ pain with narcotics or pain medications is generally ineffective, in our opinion, and may do more harm than good. We also get patients because the orthotic device made by their dentist hasn’t achieved the desired results. Others, desperate to solve the problem, bought a do-it-yourself night guard kit at the neighborhood pharmacy.

Although many practitioners may not admit it, the truth is that treating headaches medically just isn’t effective. Many patients don’t see this as a dental issue and may not see a dentists as their best TMJ treatment option. Second opinions are also advisable for migraine pain, but the bottom line is finding an experienced, first-rate practitioner who is properly equipped to offer both diagnosis and treatment. We fit that definition and are your best hope in overcoming your migraine/TMJ pain. Most medical doctors lack the necessary dental schooling to diagnose and treat TMJ-related issues.

If you are plagued by headaches, the odds are overwhelming that TMJ or a related joint disorder is the culprit. This may explain why so many medical professionals are cynical about dental solutions to TMJ. The fact is that dental professionals have been treating migraine/TMJ pain with an amazing level of success for a long time. Don’t let this type of unfounded skepticism keep you from finding relief. Specialists like Dr. Mike Pilar represent a new breed of dentists dedicating their practices to the treatment of TMD.

Dr. Pilar’s unique “holistic” approach to TMJ migraine treatment often provides patients with amazing results.


TMJ Migraine Specialist Offering Help with Severe Migraine Treatment:

(917) 414-8355